Relational Fidelity - Part 2


Remember, the point is to cover things that prevent you from being victorious or overcoming defeat. If fidelity is a problem for you I have a BOOK, DVD, or CD for you. Click one of the links below to begin having victory over your sexual temptations.

Question: Does that mean that I cannot have friends of the opposite sex or talk about things with them that is important to me?

Answer: It is natural to have friends of both genders outside of marriage. However, you made a contractual commitment to only one person. You made a vow before God to that person. Therefore, your husband or wife gets first claim on your time, attention, and emotional energy.

Do you spend your time with someone else of the opposite sex pouring your heart out and your emotional needs out to them? You wife or husband is who should be getting that heart pouring and that conversation. They should be the ones who are receiving the information on how you feel about your relationship with them or what is going on in your life. Information in dealing with your relationship should NOT go outside of the relationship unless it is for advice or counselling… that includes chatting with your girlfriends about intimate things and problems in your relationships. Yes, we all need friends but your best friend should be the one that you are married to. He or she is the one that you should be going to first. I understand that sometimes we need someone else to talk to. That will happen but your first and foremost conversation should come to your significant other. Perhaps if the communication was happening there, the problem would be taken care of and you wouldn’t feel necessary to share it elsewhere.

Where the mind/heart goes, the body follows. If you are pouring out your heart someone other than your significant other, you may be forming an attachment with them and vice versa unwittingly. There have been many of times when a relationship has gone sour just because someone had a friend and used them in this way and an attachment was formed. So, when a disagreement came, the husband or wife would let come out of their mouths this saying… “Well, atleast ______ understands me!” It is something that causes you to feel as though you have a right to be with someone else and causes you to match your significant other with this person whom you have been confiding in.

Also, when we talk about our mate to our friends, they form a conclusion on what they think about our mate according to what we share with them and how you feel about them. So, it will also cause a strain in your relationship because your friends may treat him/her disagreeably because of how they feel about you. Do you really want a problem with your friends and your husband or wife not getting along? You will be in the middle and eventually, it will cause you to have to make a choice that you will not want to make.  (As mentioned earlier, if it is dealing with abuse… of course you want to tell somebody.) If it doesn’t deal with abuse, then don’t be so quick to share with your friends every disagreement, argument, and sexual encounter that you had with your spouse.

Any time that you are giving your time, attention and emotional energy to someone else and your marriage partner isn’t receiving it, you are wrongfully taking what rightly belongs to your husband or wife and giving it to someone else. That is a form of infidelity.

If you struggle with sexual issues, including fidelity, consider purchasing one of the BOOKS, DVD, or CD below.  These discuss the importance of sexual purity and the struggle that each one of us go through.

                                                         FOR WOMEN

   Click Here >>>>>     BOOK                                    CD

                                                            FOR MEN

    Click Here >>>>>           BOOK                                   DVD
Question:  Just because I have a friendship with the opposite sex doesn’t mean it is going to become something sexual does it?

Join me on Friday as we answer
this question in dealing with "Fidelity".

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