Impatience - Part 3

Steps To Increase Patience

In the "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" episode you have Linus and Sally.  Sally loves Linus so much that she is willing to sacrifice going trick-or-treating and collecting candy.  Linus accepts her sacrifice and encourages her to stay with him to observe when the Great Pumpkin will arrive.  As Sally waits willingly with her love, time passes.  They just sit and sit and sit.  She eventually begins to be absolutely bored and is still waiting but with some doubt that this "Great Pumpkin" will arrive.  Time passes and they continue to just sit and stare, sit and stare.  Finally when snoppy arrives and Linus mistakes him for the "Great Pumpkin", Sally is enraged and threatens to sue him for causing her to miss the trick or treating and the halloween party.  Their friends come and wisk Sally away but Linus chooses to stay and continue waiting patiently.  In the morning, Linus is found sleeping in the pumpkin patch he is taken home to rest.  In all the waiting and the non-appearance of the Great Pumpkin, Linus says that he will come to the pumpkin patch next year.

Here you have 2 people waiting and being patient.  One is waiting for something he believes in, whether it exists or not, his heart is all in it.  The other is waiting with someone she loves and believes in.  She has sacrificed and lost.  She is irate and hurt and gave up her vigil.  He has sacrificed and lost.  However he doesn't let the disappointment get him down and is prepared to patiently wait again for what the future may hold.

Patience may include sacrifice and loss.  However, it will eventually include much gain.  When we are patient, we are able to see beyond what is right in front of us and are able to gain hope for future prospects.

We are continuing with "The Steps To Increase Patience"

6.  Overworked?

Every one of us need a break at one time or another. It is important to realize that you weren’t created to work all day and all night. God even provided the day of rest because He knew our wholistic selves would need it. Do you take a break when your body, mind, or spirit is begging for one? Give in to it. Listen to your body. If it says that you need to stop and relax, then STOP and relax. Take a 15 minute break every day and do sometype of relaxation exercise. There are many relaxation techniques that can be done to help you to just unwind. Watching tv isn’t one of them! Don’t read, don’t be on the computer, just sit in a chair and try to clear mind of all the “stuff” jumbled in it. Close your eyes… DON’T FALL ASLEEP… Take slow deep breaths. Try to have a visual in your mind of the most relaxing and most beautiful place that you can think of. Then, imagine yourself there doing something that you love to do that makes you feel secure, relaxed, protected, free, free, FREE, oh, did I say that more than once? It is because most of us do not feel free. So, think of something that will cause you to feel freedom, feel at liberty and at peace. During this time, if you are holding on to stress and frustration, fear and insecurity, etc let it go and be free.

7.  Keep Focus

Focusing on what is important. All the other small things that rub you the wrong way and irritate you to no end are not important. So don’t waste your time fretting about those frivolous things. Think on the things that are important to you and that makes a huge difference in your life. Think on the things that bring you and your family happiness, joy, and PEACE… that is important. As you spend time thinking on more positive areas, the fretting about the small things will be put more and more to the back burner and will decrease over time. You will find that because you are not fretting about the small “stuff”, you have become more patient for when the big “stuff” happens.

8.  Having Victory over Impatience

I regularly speak about being victorious over things that keeps you back from accomplishing what you desire. This is another stumbling block that does just that. Developing patience is something that will not happen overnight. It takes time. However, before that can happen a change of your state of mind must happen first. Your overall attitude about life must be different than what it was. Your thoughts must be altered and renewed to something more positive. You may have to learn some relaxation techniques to assist you when you start feeling uptight. Although these things take time, if you are consistent in doing what is needed, you will be the victor.

9.  Fill Your Time Wisely

When we feel as if we have nothing to do and are absolutely bored out of our wits, we begin to get anxious about the situations that is forcing us to wait. We are becoming impatient. So, if you can plan ahead of time for these situations by providing activities that will keep you occupied, you can cut impatience off before it begins.

10.  Do Relaxation Techniques

Patience takes time to grow and mature. It is not something that is easy to come by for many people. However, if you find that you struggle with being impatient and want to correct this issue, try learning some relaxation techniques. If you don’t know of any, just go to and type in “relaxation techniques”. You will get a whole list of free education on how to relax. Try one of them, if it doesn’t work for you, try another. The point is learning to relax your body and mind so that you are releasing the stress and anxiety that's inside of you. When you finish the technique you should be less stressful, have a boost in feelings of joy and serenity, and healthier because your body is no longer being poisoned because of the stress.

11.  Try to Help Out

Many times a situation that occurs in which we are becoming impatient, we may be able to do something about it… other than complaining. Sometimes, a situation that is making you wait is because a person just needs a hand. For example:  perhaps an elderly woman has too much to carry and is walking slowly in your way and you can’t get by.  Why not carry the heaviest bag for her to help her.  It will take your mind off of your inconsiderate impatience and put it where it should be in considering a situation that is before you that you can assist with. In the end, you will probably make a friend and you will feel better for helping. Otherwise, if there is nothing you can do about the situation, don’t be judgmental, don’t get irritated, just ignore your plight of having to wait and be observant of your surrounding. This will help you to come out of self... from being subjective to being objective.

You Do Not Always Get What You Want Linus

Though we sincerely believe, plan, work at and wait patiently for something to happen, we do not always get what we want.  The question is, where do you go from here and what do you do?  After working and working at it and it doesn't pan out, do you keep working at it though the evidence shows that it will never happen?  Or, do you finally change what you are thinking, what you are doing to get a different outcome.

Albert Einstein defines insanity as:  doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.

Change is necessary, if you change your attitude, you change your state of mind, you change your behavior and actions, therefore, you change the outcome of your life and you are one step closer to reaching the goal that you have planned for yourself.  So be pateint, if it doesn't work out, accept it and move on to the next great thing and be willing to change.


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