Facing Fear - Part 4

The Last 5 Steps In Being Proactive To Overcoming Our Fears. 

* Ending Unhealthy
Personal Relationships

Are you in a relationship that is unhealthy?  i.e.:  abusive, co-dependent, disrespectful, etc…  You need to get out of those types of relationships because they only bring you down and causes a negative outlook on your state of mind.  Of course, some relationships, like marriage, may just need a tweak in it, so you and your spouse will need to make some very necessary and important changes to get rid of the destructiveness in the relationship.  At times this may cause for marraige counseling.  Any abusive relationship should be cut-off.

* Making Important Habit Changes

Sometimes what we do habitually makes a negative impact on our outcome in life.  Instead of just stopping or getting rid of a bad habit, form a good habit to replace it.  Otherwise, it will be more difficult to have victory over that negative habit.  Also, sometimes the habit is not bad but it is just not positively productive for you.  In that case, you will still need to change it to fit you so that positive thinking and positive actions will be the result.

* Realizing That Change Is Not Your Enemy But Can Be Your Friend

I had trouble with change.  Not only because it was going to be hard but because I would have to step out of my comfort zone and deal with the unknown.  There would be some instability and thus it caused fear of change in my mind.  Change is not your enemy.  Change means that you have an opportunity for something better.  A better job, making a better living, a better home, better physical health, a better life.  Be willing to change for the better.

* Pursuing Goals And Dreams

It is a sorry and boring life for someone who doesn’t have goals and dreams.  They have an emptiness that is there that cannot be filled.  If you haven’t made a list of short-term and long-term dreams and goals, do so right now.  Write them on paper so that in six months, you can look back on them and hold yourself accountable of whether you have taken the necessary steps to begin fulfilling those dreams and goals that you have.  We must always have something that we can strive for even if it is only striving to be a better person and setting up goals to get there.  Want to live a certain lifestyle, in a certain house, driving a certain car, surrounding yourself with certain people, having a certain spiritual walk, certain job, certain outlook on life?  Write it down, speak it outloud and then pursue it.

*Behavioral Action

In conquering fear, it is all about making bold and positive decisions for yourself and converting them into a behavioral action that will cause you to take positive steps in the right directions toward being victorious in what you do.  In order to do that, we must be proactive in overcoming our fears.

Join me Friday as we cover the last part in being proactive to overcoming fear.  Until then, be strong, be courageous, and be willing to face your fears in order to change your state of mind thus changing your life.