What is Self-Reliance?
Self-Reliance is personal independence, self-sufficiency, and autonomy. The word “rely” is the root word of reliance. It is the capacity to rely on one's own capabilities, and to manage one's own affairs. Can you depend on self to do what is suppose to be done?
Too often we blame others for us not achieving the goals that we have planned. Too often we overlook our part in the failure. Sometimes the blame is on us because we failed to be disciplined enough to manage our own affairs and to do what was needed.
If you cannot rely on self, whom can you rely on and how will others be willing to depend on you? It is important that you are reliable, responsible, and independent. You are adults, you must be, live, and act as adults. You have responsibilities that you must fulfill. There are people depending on you. Yes, you must be self-sufficient.
Question: Okay, so being self-reliant is good?
Answer: YES. It is crucial in fulfilling your life's dreams and ambitions. It is important in relationships also.
Benefits To Being Self-Reliant?
Being self-reliant allows family, friends, employers, etc…
* to know that they can depend on you to get something done.
* to know that you are a trustworthy person
* to know that you won’t fail them.
* it tells your family that they can go to you about anything
* gains you great trust from others
* increases your pride in the work you do
* boosts your self-esteem and causes it to soar
* will get you raises and promotions
* brings joy and pleasure to your family
* something that you can find value in
* seems as if you got it together.
There are so many benefits that it is too numerous to list.
Question: Does self-reliance depend on your state of mind?
Answer: Yes, it can.
You ever notice that even though normally you can do something, however, sometimes when you are making mistakes, you try harder and become more anxious about it and make even more mistakes? It is because of your state of mind. You... Became... Anxious and when you became anxious you messed up even more.
Questions: If you make mistakes, does it mean that you are not trustworthy?
Answer: Of course not! We all have our days. We are NOT superman or superwoman no matter what we may think. We do not always have it together.
As I work, I find that my work identifies me. If I usually do a good job, it is because what I do represents me and I find value in myself. Therefore, I want to instill value in all that I do or associate myself with. Sometimes, I may even become a perfectionist about some things because I am identified with it.
However, at times what I do may identify how I feel. If I do a shotty work today, it is more than likely because that is how I was feeling today. I just wasn't feeling like my own usual dependable self.
This is just to say that, although being self-reliant is important, we won’t always get it right and we are not perfect. Therefore, don't expect yourself always to be perfect and don't expect others to be that way either. If you are not perfect everyday all day long, then guess what, neither is anyone else.
Question: Is there such a thing as being “Over” Self-Reliant?
Join me next week as we discuss the issues with being "Over" Self-Reliant".